SSL record not working

OS type and version: Ubuntu Linux 20.04.2 REQUIRED
Webmin version:1.973 REQUIRED
Virtualmin version:6.16 REQUIRED
Related products version:cPanel 96.0 (Build 15) RECOMMENDED

Hi! I have a problem with a server I imported from cPanel to virtualmin. Whenever I request a SSL certificate using Let’s Encrypt I get this error:

Type: unauthorized
Detail: No TXT record found at

I created a DNS record called _acme-challenge with the correct IP in the record, but it still says it hasn’t found anything. After the certificate request the TXT record I made is gone.

Does anyone know how to get this fixed so I can create SSL records? Thanks in advance!

SSL records aren’t a thing. You want certificates ?

Not sure how Virtualmin does the DNS-01 challenge. I suspect it hands over to certbot. A good place to check is to see if certbot configuration for DNS-01 based challenges, not sure this is something VirtualMin exposes. (e.g. I haven’t seen a place to enter rdnc key for example) then again it could all be internal to virtualmin if it is its own DNS server.

One thing to try as a fall back is the http-01 challenge. Check /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/ has authenticator = webroot and then renew.

DNS validation is a last resort. You should figure out why web validation isn’t working and fix that.

The web validation error says:

Type: unauthorized
Detail: Invalid response from
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class=“html_stretched responsive av-preloader-disabled
av-default-lightbox html_header_top html”

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