Because it isn’t obvious? I just learned about it after a year on this forum. Like I said earlier. It took me awhile to realize what the ‘filter’ icon was. For consistency why not use that on EVERY appropriate page? Same as the ‘back’ icon not always taking you back ONE level.
Let’s face it. There is a lot of content being managed. Having eccentricities that you have to memorize in the interface just makes it more difficult.
I’m not sure what exactly needs remembering—just start typing to find what you want on the main page, or hit / to search using the navigation menu search bar. It’s the same as in other web apps like DuckDuckGo, Brave, Google, etc.!
maybe I missed it in the discussion … as a user/admin who has yet to embrace the Authentic Theme, I believe this dynamic search function is only available when using Authentic
And I do see that the screenshot/video does clearly show usage of Authentic !!
I just heard about this post. I have to agree with the problem presented here. What I have learned about these sorts of issues is that there is a lack of intuitive design. It is all about the programmers. They often, especially in the case of Virtualmin/Webmin, have great ideas. In fact quite superior and beneficial ones. However, they often do not understand how to make something intuitive for all people. This is the single most sad thing about programs. It is, of course, understandable because focusing upon the job the software must perform is completely separate from good UI design. No one is good at everything. But sadly it gets worse as time passes. The programmer needs a UI expert to work right beside him or her from the beginning of the project. The best way to manage such a project is to use a project manager. But that is rarely done. Ah well… it may be too late here. After all, the program is still quite usable, even though there is a steep learning curve. Even after all the years using them, I still don’t know all a word processor can do. Anyway, that’s my two cents.
I know I have mentioned this before but it is important
The theming code for how things looks needs separating from the logic code and then you can truly have multiple themes that share a single logic code and are easier to maintaing and upgrade.
For me this seems to be a reoccurring limitation if webmin/virtualmin. This is not a call to get rid of the various themes as I know people like the current ones but more of an upgrade which can have additional themes.
This is not a dig or criticism but it is constructive feedback as I hope I have done in the past.
But, it is. If the way UI works changes completely, none of the existing themes will work at all. They would all need a rewrite, too.
I’d like it if there were less intermingling of logic and appearance, but it’s not a realistic ask given our limited resources. We’re talking about something like a half-million lines of code.
Start with virtualmin. Have a custom theme just for virtualmin that can be used to redo each section rather all in one go using authentic theme as the base looks and feels if needed, but perhaps a new design… This would also allow to develop a UI framework that would build the html (or update the current one).
I am not saying drop everything but I feel this needs to go on a real roadmap and would be a massive benefit for virtualmin take up.
Long shot, could you not write a script to convert all of the theme files to split them to code and theming?
All I asked for was the option to sort, and Ilia has said that it is now included in their experimental version.
I certainly don’t think that bunch of time and resources should be allocated away from program development in order to pretty things up. In my experience, software that has gone down that path has always ended up much worse than when it started.