Someone hacked into my virtual min and started sending spam using my server

It’s sad to see people who, instead of trying to help, just comment with irony and mockery.

I could really stay here wasting my time, and I would even try to make an effort to try an effective solution for this virtualmin vulnerability.

I’ve been searching the internet and it’s not hard to find several posts related to hacking in virtualmin’s postfix. Most posts are right here, just look for them.

Spam with postfix

#spammers using the mail server to send spam

#Postfix Hacking - Virtualmin with Postfix configuration is insecure

But you prefer to mock my face. Thank you for giving me more impetus not to use this platform again. I know it won’t make any difference. However, it serves as an example for other people not to use. Thanks for the debauchery you really are amazing congratulations.