Scripts instalacion


I’ve got these problem

When i’m installing for example Django by scripts then automatically install
with apt-get -y --force-yes -f install python-setuptools…
apt-get -y --force-yes -f install python-mysqldb…

it’s normall?




It shouldn’t be a problem unless you’re running into an error of some sort :slight_smile:

Are you having an issue during the installation process?



I was trying to install every program and i 've allowed to install some scripts to users and not only for root.
The problem is about of security becouse when i tried to install some scripts , then install deb package like root and i thinks that it’s maybe it must be wrong becouse i 've installed like users and not like root.
Some scripts i consider that i musn’t allowed to install and when i 've installed the program everythinks works ok.




Correct – if Virtualmin sees that a given Install Script has a dependency that’s available via the “apt” repository, it will install that dependency (as root) using apt – and after those dependencies are installed, it will then setup the Install Script in the user’s DocumentRoot.

It shouldn’t be a security issue since the user doesn’t get to choose where the package is installed from, that’s installed via the repositories setup in /etc/apt/sources.list.
