RHEL 9.1, AlmaLinux 9.1, Rocky Linux 9.1: Which one works BEST with Virtualmin?

Noted with thanks.


Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming


In your screenshot, I see that there is a monthly charge in addition to hourly charge. For the server size of 25 GB NVMe, we need to pay $6 per month IN ADDITION to $0.009 per hour?

Sounds expensive. Contabo’s VPS are way much cheaper.


Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming


I have questions.

[1] I have several Virtual Servers. Is it better to backup to a single file for all Virtual Servers or individual backup file for individual Virtual Server? I am planning whole OS migration from CentOS 7.9 to AlmaLinux 9 or Rocky Linux 9 or RHEL 9.

[2] When I login to Virtualmin web GUI to perform backup, can I download the backup file to my laptop using the web GUI? My virtual private servers are in Europe, while my laptop is in Singapore. What do I need to choose during backup configuration?

Thank you.


Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming

I backup to individual backup file per virtual server.

No its not a addition cost. the $6 per month is what it works out if you keep running for a month.

Create a new post, your moving away form the original post.

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I tried to migrate a CentOS 8.5 server to Alma Linux without success.

After that I tried migrate to migrate to Rocky Linux and the process went smooth.
Server has now Rocky Linux 8.6.

Using the script Migrate2Rocky was very easy to complete migration. Just make sure the server is fully updated and rebooted before starting the migration. Migration takes a while and can not be interrupted until you get the “Complete! Done. Please reboot your System”

Since then I migrated a few small Virtual Machines. In one I didn’t wait to get the “Complete! Done” message and the system missed some cleanup, so I have to restore that VM and start the process again. This time I waited for the “Complete! Done. Please reboot your system” and everything is okay.

I tried also to install Alma Linux and Rocky Linux in new VM.

Finally I decided to use Rocky Linux. Their updates are a little behind Alma Linux but I liked a lot the best migration tool and documentation.

Overall very happy with Rocky Linux 9.1.

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