Rebuilding old failing website question

I kinda messed up the site i was working on and have to start fresh. I was hoping to keep the forum and content from the old site and build a new website.

I guess the question is how do i make a fresh installed website stay the same www
and keep the forum stuff ? lol

clone failing site to a sub dir. ?
rebuild the site on the top level fresh.
backup database of forum or site of old
restore it into the new

is that kinda right idea?

does virtual min have a easyer work around to this sort of thing?

i know this sounds like i dont have a clue…i dont.
if anyone knows of a tutorial i can learn this to do using virtualmin?
thanks in advance


Backup the files and the database. Restore it on the new server.
Thats basically it.
Virtualmin offers backup and restore function.


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