I was getting a “Warning the filesystem mounted at / has only xx of free disk space”. So did a bit of cleaning.
The Local Disk space has dropped from nearly 80% to 36%. - that is much better Yet the message has not gone away?
I was also concerned about the “Disk Quotas” graph as one VS was in the red at 90%.
So I went into webmin -> system -> disk quotas and changed the quota for the offending VS group from 1G to unlimited.
Sadly No (with new browser - FF + cache cleared) still showing 1GiB for each domain!
Also just tried on another VS but this time setting to 10GiB (rather than “unlimited”) just in case the system doesn’t have a way of displaying unlimited → still shows 1GiB
Yes -it did not change anything on that “Disk Quotas” panel.
I get the impression that nothing has happened behind the scenes/dashboard - though going back into the edit quotas they have been updated with the new values.
I have no idea, just tried it on 6 vm’s always the same result, the domain disappears from the quota list
The virtualmin servers are all like this apart from some use apache rather than nginx
Tx for trying, the domains (VS) that are not showing in the graph in my OP
(and there are currently 33 in total on this VM) are sub-domains (parked for their client’s main activity’s primary domain) so use next to 0 Mib quota.
I suspect that the “Disk Quota” graphs are actually only a subset of the “active” VS or are of only the primary VS.
I am really only interested in the two orange indicated VS which are consuming so much of their allocated quota.
The top one was red until I cleared out all those Webmin logs along with lots of other old logs (it is still of concern though as the VS is not really that active) - but I guess that is a separate issue
ATM I would be partially satisfied with the graph showing the correct values.