*[QUICKFIX]* for MariaDB 10.2 - 10.4.7 !!!

I was doing this on a test server using MariaDB 10.2

I updated my mariadb from 10.2.26 to 10.4.7.

but I cannot work it.

it shows below error.

500 - Error - Perl execution failed
Undefined subroutine &virtual_server::list_dom_mysql_databases called at /usr/libexec/webmin/virtual-server/feature-mysql.pl line 2555.

You did additional coding, didn’t you ?


Both not working… Same error MariaDB 10.4

Could there be a difference yes no socket?

Or allready with wrong / buggy / error script tried before, so privileges / grant… ?

i did pointed out to mariadb cookbook to have workarround old way in this forum, don’t know if thos info’s and texts from mariadb could help some?

You need to do 2 more things to get it work:

  1. Install Perl SHA1 library

    root# perl -MCPAN -e shell
    cpan> install Digest::SHA1
  2. Upgrade MariaDB (Only installing new version is not enough!)

    root# mysql_upgrade
  3. Then do change in feature-mysql.pl

don’t want SHA1 anymore!

So hopes virtualmin is solving this “BUG” soon. :wink:

Jamie is indeed working on this, we hope to be issuing a new Webmin version soon that handles newer MariaDB versions!

I did point him to this thread, he said there’s a handful of other things that need tweaked as well.

We’ll make a post as soon as this is corrected, thanks for posting an interim solution here!


Hi andreychek

So what is the latest version of MariaDB currently supported ? 10.1 ?

Thanks Baterka i think Digest::SHA1 was default by Perl but you have right !!!

There are and ONE MORE SOLUTION but everything is manual in that situation …

  1. You must create everything in mysql or phpmyadmin … [user, databases … etc … etc…]

  2. And you must find the domain ID file in this folder /etc/webmin/virtual-server/domains/
    and must add or correct this values on file (search and change or add them) …
    *(You can find domain ID in virtualmin by selecting the domain you want and select Edit Virtual Server the domain ID is in Virtual server details under IP addresses…)

mysql_module=mysql << You must put mysql if missing

mysql=1 << This enable the database in Virtualmin panel must be 1

db_mysql=DB NAME << Change to your DB name

limit_mysql=0 << Limit of mysql databases on domain (0 for unlimited or whatever you want)

mysql_user=MYSQL USER << Change to your MySQL Database user name

mysql_pass=MYSQL USER PASS << Change to your MySQL Database user password

Best regards to all

My friend the changes you make in code is OK …
I forget to tell you to install Digest follow the instructions on post #11 from Baterka !!!

I am getting an error message when I try this quickfix.

If I try to create a new server this is what shows up in the advanced tab (the other tabs do not show):

HTTP/1.0 500 Perl execution failed Server: MiniServ/1.921 Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2019 01:36:58 GMT Content-type: text/html; Charset=iso-8859-1 Connection: close Error - Perl execution failed Undefined subroutine &virtual_server::list_remote_mysql_modules called at /usr/libexec/webmin/virtual-server/domain_form.cgi line 439.

If I try to edit a virtual server to add MySql I get the following error:

500 - Error - Perl execution failed Undefined subroutine &virtual_server::list_dom_mysql_databases called at /usr/libexec/webmin/virtual-server/feature-mysql.pl line 1419.

I should probably add that I am using CentOS 7 and MariaDB 10.3

Can someone please translate the “quick fix” into usable commands, please?
I didn’t have this problem before the latest Virtualmin update and my MariaDB version hasn’t changed (10.3)

However, I’m unable to create a new virtual server at the moment

This is frustrating, I have tried this fix over and over and cannot get it to work. I assume I am doing it correctly but as @manchego noted it is quite confusing and had to know if I am doing it correctly.

Are there any other solutions out there?

i ran this tweak and worked for me :wink:

Not working for me, I hope an official fix is comming soon

For all please post in every post: working not working also versions and OS.

Make it more easy for Support here. :wink:
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Please be aware this fix working only for MariaDB v10.4
and make sure ‘gcc’ is installed before you install Perl SHA1 library.
root# yum install gcc