ProFTPD authentication failure

K - I tried everything I could read about this and finally found a solution. So, I hope this works for all of you who are having the same issue.

I added the following line to the /etc/proftpd.conf file:


I’m using CentOS 5.5
Virtualmin… 3.83.gpl GPL
Webmin: 1.530
ProFTPd version 1.32

It was found in the following article:

Thank you Ryan… you were a big help.

please see my answer to your duplicate posting at

This happen to me now when i updated proftpd to a new version from RPMFORGE. Now i can`t login to ftp anymore.
How can i remove the new version and install the old one back?

To fix it i did
yum downgrade proftpd
then i replaced /etc/proftpd.conf with proftpd.conf.rpmnew