problem with domain alias in virtualmin

hi to all, i installed virtual min on my centos vps. i add domain with 4 alias domain.

example my master domain is

my alias domains is ,a .net ,

my problem is when i open website with, site load with name in browser ,but all link in website points to .

but i dont have this porblem in cpanel or directadmin.

how can fix this problem??

cant any one help me ?

You can use domainless hyperlinks. For example, instead of having the hyperlinks as you could do /page2.html or page2.html (if in the same level on the domain).

Are the links in your code already domainless hyperlinks or do they have the in them?


hi justin, thank for you answer.

i use wordpress cms.

when i add page to menu in wordpress,only show the page name in settings,after load the website you see the full hyprlink with in links.

for example you see page2 in the settings.after load in website ,you see

I would recommend reading this: and considering the pros and cons with SEO, etc and use that code if you feel you would want to.


tnx my firend,i saw that wordpress link, but it does not working , when i use this code , only my master domain loading the website. and other domain said problem in loading website.

why we dont have this problem in domain parking in cpanel?

plz help me.