Problem installing WordPress plugin

OS type and version Debian 11
Webmin version 2.013
Virtualmin version 7.5
Related packages WordPress

New installation with a WordPress site on Debian 11.
I use a zip file from my local computer.

Error: Failed to write file to disk.
This message was triggered by WordPress Core.
Call stack:

The same plugin is installed OK on a Ubuntu 20 server.
I,ve tried to temporary allow o+rw to plugin folder. No use.

Some ideas?

This line makes me want to check directory permissions and disk space. If those are good, try uploading the plugin using the File Manager.

I now tried with a normal plugin: EWWW Image Optimizer
Installation failed: Could not copy file. ewww-image-optimizer/binaries/pngquant-mac

I also tried to install phpmyadmin. This is the end of log:
extracting: phpMyAdmin-5.2.1-english/themes/bootstrap/img/b_docsql.png
extracting: phpMyAdmin-5.2.1-english/themes/bootstrap/img/b_firstpage.png
extracting: phpMyAdmin-5.2.1-english/themes/bootstrap/img/b_inline_edit.png
extracting: phpMyAdmin-5.2.1-english/themes/bootstrap/img/b_key.png
phpMyAdmin-5.2.1-english/themes/bootstrap/img/b_key.png: write error (disk full?). Continue? (y/n/^C)
warning: phpMyAdmin-5.2.1-english/themes/bootstrap/img/b_key.png is probably truncated

Disk is not at all full:
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev ------- 1.9G — 0 — 1.9G – 0% /dev
tmpfs ---- 388M - 440K 387M 1% /run
/dev/nvme0n1p1 99G 4.2G 90G 5% /
tmpfs ----- 1.9G ---- 0 — 1.9G — 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs ----- 5.0M ---- 0 – 5.0M – 0% /run/lock
/dev/nvme0n1p15 124M 11M 114M 9% /boot/efi
tmpfs ----- 388M ---- 0 - 388M – 0% /run/user/0

Did you check the fe permissions and disk space or did you just try to install ?

Also check your inodes with df -i

ls -l
drwxr-x— 11 4096 Mar 4 22:04 ./
drwxr-x— 7 4096 Mar 4 22:07 …/
drwxr-x— 4 4096 Mar 4 20:44 cache/
-rw-r----- 1 28 Feb 18 2019 index.php
drwxr-x— 26 4096 Mar 4 20:43 plugins/
drwxr-x— 8 4096 Nov 2 12:15 themes/
drwxr-x— 3 4096 Aug 23 2022 updraft/
drwxr-x— 2 4096 Mar 4 22:03 upgrade/
drwxr-x— 26 4096 Jan 1 00:08 uploads/
drwxr-xr-x 2 4096 Mar 5 06:01 wflogs/

df -i
Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on
udev 493231 288 492943 1% /dev
tmpfs 495866 462 495404 1% /run
/dev/nvme0n1p1 6545408 190406 6355002 3% /
tmpfs 495866 1 495865 1% /dev/shm
tmpfs 495866 3 495863 1% /run/lock
/dev/nvme0n1p15 0 0 0 - /boot/efi
tmpfs 99173 19 99154 1% /run/user/0

Thank you

Looks like you have Wordfence installed. Check settings and logs.

Yes, I have Wordfence. Tried to deactivate it. No use.
I will test something more later. Thanks

The looks like file size is too big error. You need to increase the file size allowance in your PHP settings.

How large is that zip file?

The zip file is 5.9 MB

Server architecture Linux 5.10.0-21-cloud-amd64 x86_64
Web server Apache
PHP version 7.4.33 (Supports 64bit values)
PHP SAPI fpm-fcgi
PHP max input variables 1000
PHP time limit 30
PHP memory limit 256M
Max input time 60
Upload max filesize 32M
PHP post max size 32M
cURL version 7.74.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1n
Is SUHOSIN installed? No
Is the Imagick library available? Yes
Are pretty permalinks supported? Yes

But what is the limit set to on the virtual server in question?

Go to the virtual server you’re installing it on / Services / PHP _____ Configuration and click on the resource limits tab.

*The blank represents the php version you’re running.

Thank you all for trying to help.
I finally found the culprit.
It’s a bit embarrassing.
“User Ouotas” was set.
Switching to Unlimited solved it.

I will study: Disk Quotas - Webmin Documentation
to find out if and when to use it.

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I knew it was a file size error, just didn’t figure on a disc quota being the culprit. :slightly_smiling_face:

you should have done from this

Server architecture Linux 5.10.0-21-cloud-amd64 x86_64
Web server Apache
PHP version 7.4.33 (Supports 64bit values)
PHP SAPI fpm-fcgi
PHP max input variables 1000
PHP time limit 30
PHP memory limit 256M
Max input time 60
Upload max filesize 32M
PHP post max size 32M
cURL version 7.74.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1n
Is SUHOSIN installed? No
Is the Imagick library available? Yes
Are pretty permalinks supported? Yes

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