PHP-FPM bug when deleting users

OS type and version Debian 10
Webmin version 7.7
Virtualmin version 2.021
Related packages php7.4-fpm

After deleting a website, the corresponding PHP FPM configuration doesn’t seem to be getting deleted. As a result, after deleting, the PHP FPM daemon crashes with this error:

ERROR: [pool 16479527163389] cannot get uid for user '<oldusername>'

This has happened on multiple servers, according to reports I’ve received. I was able to replicate it myself today.

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aren’t we up to /etc/php/8.1/fpm/php.ini now?

Yes, there are newer versions of PHP, but the issue here is that the configuration file for the PHP FPM pool isn’t being deleted correctly when a website is deleted.

Good morning.
I’m having this same problem. For my case I solved it according to the post below.

There is a bug in Virtualmin with PHP-FPM when creating a new or cloning virtual host - Virtualmin - Virtualmin Community

I see, I haven’t checked the permission of the file actually, I’ve just been manually deleting it for now. In this case, the config file isn’t deleted, however the user and website is. As the user is already deleted, the old config file which should’ve been deleted references an invalid user and causes PHP FPM to not start up.

Thats irrelevent, some sites / scripts work best on older versions

Ah I must remember that when someone asks "Why don’t we use Ubuntu 12.x OS or use PHP 4 - my response has usually been why don’t we all just go back to Windows 3.1 or morse code - just to appease the site and script writers who cannot be bothered to keep up) In years to come how long is that going to be a valid excuse, when the world has progressed and today’s working code is someone else’s nightmare. COBOL anyone?

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