Our server send spam on port 25

btw is there a way that from remote follow the traffic on the server

Are we sure of that the original post does not make that clear

As I said not clear but I would guess the OP is sorted now so no worries

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At this point it is forensics so I’m just trying to help narrow the search parameters. It’s always nice to know what happened. For all we know this was simply an incoming ‘blow back’ storm and not really anything on the server.

This is a link to one of the spam mails.


So, this seems to be incoming? Who were they too? Sometimes blow back shows up as random recipients that are generated by the spam script. When a server refuses one, it gets bounced to your server if you host the domain. This doesn’t mean it originated at your server. They just used you to catch the crap.

You might have a full mail queue.

That’s not quite right. If outgoing port 25 really is blocked, the usual path Postfix and Sendmail would send mail are blocked. The internets SMTP servers run on port 25.

Someone could use a relay to send mail on other ports, but at that point the problem is for someone else to solve (e.g. Amazon, or Mailgun, or Sendgrid, or whoever). There are APIs for sending mail without using any traditional protocol, too, but realistically if you’ve blocked outgoing 25 you’ve preventing local users from spamming. Which is why ISPs and some hosting providers block 25 by default.

But, blocking outgoing port 25 is not obvious. Most firewall configuration tools make it very easy to block incoming and much more convoluted to block outgoing. In firewalld, you’d need to do something relatively complicated.

Though maybe you could just do something like:

firewall-cmd --permanent --direct --add-rule ipv4 filter OUTPUT 0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 25 -j DROP

In iptables, the rule would be similar. The OUTPUT chain is the relevant detail. I don’t know how to block outgoing ports in ufw.

wireshark can show all packets. The tshark command line tool can be used without a GUI, and you can capture a packet log. And, you can find out what process is sending spam. If you’ve disabled Postfix and don’t have local users running a script sending spam, then it would presumably be a web app.

Outgoing spam will be on port 25, so you’d just need to watch that port. If you really blocked outgoing port 25 you won’t see anything in a packet dump.

To Block ougoing ports in UFW you use DENY OUT

Thanks for the clarification about port 25

I close this thread now


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