Non-interactive installation script

I have just purchased the Pro version of Virtualmin for use on Amazon EC2 (under RightScale).

I was wondering if it was possible to prevent the installation script from prompting me for a yes/no confirmation during the install. I need the script to run automatically when I boot a new server, and so it will be detached from any console (and will therefore no proceed past the confirmation prompt).

Would it be possible to add a ‘–non-interactive’ parameter (or similar) to the install script as I think that this will be a problem for most people using EC2?

Many Thanks,

Adam Charnock

Hey Adam,

I’m unfortunately not particularly familiar with the EC2 installer. There are a few folks using EC2 though – if you’re still having troubles, I might recommend opening a support ticking using the Bugs/Issues link below, and Joe/Jamie may be able to offer some additional insight into how to get that working!

Hi Eric,

Thanks for the reply. I hope opened a new task:

FS#4819 - Auto install script requires user interation



For the benefit of those that come this way in the near future, Jamie Cameron has resolved this issue and a fix will be present in the next release of the installer script (aparently you will need to set the ‘VIRTUALMIN_NONINTERACTIVE’ environment variable to ‘yes’).

In the mean time, the following works as a work around:

yes | sh

(yes, it seems ‘yes’ is actually a command)
