Non-alias server limit

As installed, Virtualmin Pro’s Default Server Template has two settings under “Default domain owner limits” for limits on numbers of servers:
“Default limit on number of virtual servers”, which is set to “At most 0”, and
“Default limit on number of alias servers”, which is set to “Unlimited”

When (as root) I go to Administrative Options | Edit Owner Limits for a server that has been created using the Default template, I find these three settings:
"Maximum allowed virtual servers", which is set to "At most 0",
"Maximum allowed alias servers", which is set to "At most *", and
"Maximum allowed non-alias servers", which is set to "Unlimited"

The result of the "" entry for "Maximum allowed alias servers" is that any attempt to edit the Owner Limits fails unless the "" is replaced with some number.

Why is there a "*" entry? What is the intended/actual interaction between the two fields in the server template and the three fields in the Edit Owner Limits page?
