I just created a new virtual server (its a subdomain). Have about 15 virtual servers running altogether. I just did a big update this week. The server gets created - everything looks normal but when I go to the site it redirects to another one of my virtual servers? Then I created a second one - same thing points to the same virtual server. When I go to SSL Certificates it states
Apache website : No Apache virtual host for staging.mywebsite.org found
When I go to apache webserver (from the dashboard) to see if it recognizes my new site its not in the list - my existing VS are there however. There are eight entries that point to port 80 - Server name = Automatic and look like this “/var/www/html” (no home dir) - and when I click open next to the entry it just takes me to about:blank#blocked. Should I delete these entries? Under BIND DNS the sites I just created do exist and there is a directory in the Home directory as you would normally expect when creating a virtual server.
Just a quick note: I deleted the VS and created it again and it just creates a default entry like the one above - |Virtual Server|xx.xx.xx.xx|80|Automatic|/var/www/html| Open
Tried that got this result (see below) which seems fine and normal but when I try to add a new virtual server same thing happens.
The status of your system is being checked to ensure that all enabled features are available and properly configured ..
Your system has 9.48 GiB of memory, which is at or above the Virtualmin recommended minimum of 256 MiB
BIND DNS server is installed
Mail server Postfix is installed and configured
Postfix is configured to support per-domain outgoing IP addresses
Apache is installed
Apache supports HTTP/2 on your system
The following CGI script execution modes are available : fcgiwrap
The following PHP execution modes are available : fpm cgi
The following PHP versions are available : 7.4.33 (/bin/php), 8.1.30 (/bin/php81-cgi)
The following PHP-FPM versions are available : 7.4.33 (php-fpm) 8.1.30 (php81-php-fpm)
Webalizer is installed
Apache is configured to host SSL websites
MariaDB 10.5.9 is installed and running
Logrotate is installed
Using network interface ens18 for virtual IPs
Default IPv4 address for virtual servers is xx.xx.xx.xx
Detected external IPv4 address is xx.xx.xx.xx
Both user and group quotas are enabled for home and email directories
All commands needed to create and restore backups are installed
The selected package management and update systems are installed
Chroot jails are available
.. your system is ready for use by Virtualmin
So when trying this again and replacing the template directives, everything works fine now. Stefan thanks for pointing out the template (it was the last thing I tried and it was the culprit). The last thing I will ask is what would cause default directives to suddenly disapear after my update?
Never heard of this issue before. As long as updates are done via the package manager it shouldn’t be a problem. So yo have a copy of the correct directives?
Yes I do have a copy of the directives. I used the package manager as well. I’ve done this many times in the past -most of the time no issues. They were missing in two obvious places home directory and website domain as stated above.