New new Google Analytics module

Hi all,
As I posted yesterday we’ve built a new module to ease use of Google Analytics. Unfortunately, it’s not quite ready for prime-time (I called it experimental, but I failed to notice that it won’t work with most folks mod_perl version–it only works with mod_perl2), and causes some mild Apache configuration breakage on systems that have mod_perl 1.99 or earlier.
Anyway, there’s a new version in the repo, 1.1. It’ll refuse to break your Apache, but won’t work any better than the previous one for mod_perl 1.99 or below.
I’m madly packaging mod_perl2 for all of the older platforms. You won’t be left out for long. For those of you running reasonably modern distros (Fedora Core 4, 5, 6, and Ubuntu), have fun, as there are no know issues.
Joe wins the coveted “Works on my machine” quality assurance award for yesterday’s release. Apologies for the inconvenience. Holler if you need any help getting your Apache configuration straightened out.

Have the bugs reported against this been fixed yet? I thought you were going to fix remaining issues and get another update out sometime soon?