Multi PHP version with phpbrew on Ubuntu 14


I use Virtualmin server on Ubuntu 14. I have some scripts who need to run with PHP 5.3. In order to have PHP 5.3, I compile PHP 5.3.29 with pbpbrew. Then I create a symlinks to the build folder and I copy the build folder but Virtualmin dont find the new PHP version in /opt/rh/php53.
Message from Virtualmin refresh information : The following PHP versions are available : 5.5.12 (/usr/bin/php5-cgi)

More information :

  • phpbrew (latest version)
  • php v5.3.29
  • build folder : /root/.phpbrew/build/php-5.3.29
  • Folder group/owner : syslog uuidd
  • Symlink : /opt/rh/php53

What could I do to have PHP 5.3 working in Virtualmin ??

Thank you.


This is the section of code that looks for PHP versions:

# For a version like 5.4, check for binaries like php54 and # /opt/rh/php54/root/usr/bin/php $phpn ||= &has_command("php$VERSION-cgi") || &has_command("php-cgiVERSION") || &has_command("/opt/rh/php$VERSION/root/usr/bin/php-cgi") || &has_command("/opt/atomic/php$VERSION/root/usr/bin/php") || &has_command("/opt/rh/php$VERSION/bin/php-cgi") || &has_command("php$VERSION") || &has_command("/opt/rh/php$VERSION/root/usr/bin/php"); &has_command("/opt/rh/php$VERSION/bin/php") || &has_command(glob("/opt/phpfarm/inst/bin/php-cgi-$VERSION.*"));

You’d want to make sure that your PHP path matches one of the above.

For example, putting it in /opt/rh/php53/bin/php or /opt/rh/php53/bin/php-cgi is a common way of doing that.



I have my php into the /opt/rh/php53/bin folder :
root@serveur:/opt/rh/php53/bin# ls -l
total 29152
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 912 avril 1 17:52 pear
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 933 avril 1 17:52 peardev
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 849 avril 1 17:52 pecl
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 avril 1 17:52 phar -> /root/.phpbrew/php/php-5.3.29/bin/phar.phar
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 14847 avril 1 17:52 phar.phar
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 29807880 avril 1 17:52 php
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4031 avril 1 17:52 php-config
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4540 avril 1 17:52 phpize

I don’t understand why my PHP is not recognized :frowning:
Any other idea ?