(Minor) Bug in Protected Web Directories

There’s a minor bug in the “Protected Web Directories” code. On a brand new Virtualhost I added protection to /administrator (Joomla Site). First time in this did exactly as I expected and produced in the .htaccess file:

AuthUserFile "/home/jaa/public_html/administrator/htusers"
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Bugger Off ......"
require valid-user
<Files htusers>
deny from all

But I was using it as protection from the outside world, so I would turn “off” when I needed to work in the backend and “On” when finished. (now using mod_security)

The 2nd time you turn “on” you’ll find that Virtualmin has added to the .htaccess (three lines at top)

<Files htusers>
deny from all
AuthUserFile "/home/jaa/public_html/administrator/htusers"
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Bugger Off ......"
require valid-user
<Files htusers>

deny from all


… and those three lines will keep being added every time you toggle the option “Off” and “On”, so over the years, that .htaccess file became “pretty darn big!” …

Instead of using this , why dont you create a custom administrator url and whitelist it in the firewall to only your home/office static ip address? Its a much better option.


Thanks for the suggestion. I did something similar but used mod_security to only allow access from my internal network. Had a couple of friends test it for me from the outside world, and all is good.

That said ( :slight_smile: ), it’s still a minor bug!

Kind Regards - Nigel.

glad you got it sorted. I can appreciate your point about the htaccess file continuing to grow each time you disable and enable though…I dont understand programming so im not sure how they plan on fixing that or if it is easy to fix.

I have a thought though, what would happen if you logged in as root user and then made the htaccess file immutable? (im probably suggesting nonsense…just a thought)

chattr +i /home/jaa/public_html/administrator/htusers

I’ve opened a ticket for this issue at github. https://github.com/virtualmin/virtualmin-htpasswd/issues/1

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