(i am reposting this because the original question may have been changed.)
i have been using virtualmin for close to a year now, and now i am trying to switch servers. i wish to migrate my entire virtualmin/webmin site to the new server. however, i dont want to bring over any of the webpages or any user data quite yet.
it would be as if we cloned the server but then removed all the directories the /home/ area.
i did have some success using the command line method instead of the GUI method:
virtualmin backup-domain --dest /tmp/virtualmin/virtualmin.tgz --all-features --except-feature dir --all-virtualmin
this command produced the following files:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 18257 May 17 08:40 virtualmin.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5 May 17 08:40 virtualmin.tgz.dom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 170 May 17 08:40 virtualmin.tgz.info
However, i see the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file is unaffected by any of this, and no virtual-servers are in my new installation. i would have hoped to have all the virtual-servers moved over.
could somebody please have a look at my backup-domain and restore-domain commands to see how i can get my httpd.conf file moved over? i assume i cannot just copy that from the old server to the new one.
You’d want to specify which domains to backup with --domain example.tld, or use the --all-domains parameter.
The --all-virtualmin parameter is used to specify that you want to backup the Virtualmin config. That’s what the virtualmin.tar.gz file is… but you aren’t actually getting any domains backed up.
wow - it turns out that the most useful approach is to actually READ what the error messages are saying.
i think i remember hearing something about paying attention in the sixth grade. but then again, the sixth grade turned out to be the three toughest years of my life.
after removing a troublesome (and unused) virtual-server, this worked just fine:
i am sure the GUI approach would work just as well.
eric, once again i sincerely thank you for your patience, and once again i ask some of your patience rub off on me.
one last question: i take it with this approach of no home directories that we absolutely cannot use the
“–newformat” option and have to specify the backup file name?
second last question: in a year or two, will the parameter
“–newformat” have to be renamed?
i take it with this approach of no home directories that we absolutely cannot use the “–newformat” option and have to specify the backup file name?
It’s a bit of a mystery to me as to why that’s the case; but yes indeed, it’s not possible to use the newformat flag, and not include home directory data.
in a year or two, will the parameter “–newformat” have to be renamed?
Amusingly enough, that parameter has already been in there for several years! So it’s anything but new