Maria db update

Mariadb is provided by your OS. So, this is an Alma Linux question, rather than a Webmin or Virtualmin question. That doesn’t mean you can’t ask here, but you may get a better informed answer asking the Alma community (or not, when I googled it, I saw a lot of people offering bad advice, like using the upstream package).

This exact question has been discussed several times. The most recent is here:Upgrading MariaDB in Virtualmin

I recommend you not install the upstream version, because it will be different from the OS-provided package and you get none of the guarantees you get from the OS package. The best option when you need newer software is usually to choose a newer OS. Alma 9 is relatively easy to upgrade to, and is likely only slightly more difficult than doing weird stuff with third-party Mariadb packages and will have fewer long-term negative consequences.

RHEL provides newer versions of Mariadb and some other packages in “streams”, and it may be that Alma has something similar, I’m not super familiar with what Alma does about extra newer packages, if anything. It looks like maybe it also has streams from a brief forum search.


sudo dnf module list mariadb

You may or may not have the option to install a newer Mariadb version that way. Red Hat docs cover installing the stream version (if available on Alma 8, I don’t know that it is). Chapter 2. Using MariaDB | Red Hat Product Documentation

Everything I’m finding about streams is about Alma 9, though, so you may need to upgrade your OS to get newer options. In which case, you probably don’t need a stream version of Mariadb, since Alma/RHEL/Rocky 9 have 10.5.22 by default.