Local php.ini ignored on Centos8 fresh install


Just installed Virtualmin on a CentOS8 (not stream) and it appears to be functioning except the local php.ini is not loaded, ie /home/user/etc/php72/php.ini.
This was verified by checking phpinfo() for the site in question. This seems to affect all the sites I created.
The only PHP installed is the stock one, PHP 7.2.24 and runs via FPM, the only execution mode available.

OS type and version: CentOS Linux release 8.4.2105
Webmin version: 1.981
Virtualmin version: 6.17 GPL
Related products version: PHP Version 7.2.24


This is expected for PHP-FPM mode. PHP-FPM configs are stored in the pool. Search PHP from autocomplete bar in navigation menu to find a page to configure PHP (which will also denote the pool config file (top sub-header)) for the given domain.

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