LetsEncrypt has stopped renewing certificates

I’ve told you how to troubleshoot this in the other thread.

If you’ve been blocked for too many failures (which the errors you’ve posted indicate that is so), you need to wait a while (disable auto-renewal, since something is broken and it can’t succeed and it might keep you blocked). Then you need to get an error other than “Max retries exceeded”.

Or, you can do what I told you in the other thread:

  1. Make sure DNS records exist for every name you are requesting a cert for. Don’t request certs for names that don’t resolve. (I covered this in more detail in the other thread, I recommend you review that.)
  2. Make sure requests are making it to the filesystem for the .well-known path. Put a file in /home/domainname/public_html/.well-known/somefilename and try to download it. If you cannot download it, Let’s Encrypt will not be able to download its validation file, and it will fail. You need to fix that. Redirects or proxy rules are probably to blame.

Please do these things, so we can resolve this. It is not a hard problem. It should not take two topics and dozens of comments to figure it out.

Edit: Here’s that other comment in the other thread with a bit more detail about the common problems and their solutions: Trouble dealing with hostname and SSL certs - #16 by Joe