For anyone having issues with certificates expiring, you can run the following command on the server to get a list of certificates sorted by expiry date.
virtualmin list-certs-expiry --all-domains
You can then manually request a renewal via Server Configuration / SSL Certificate / Let’s Encrypt on any vhost with a certificate expiring soon.
Much quicker than checking them all manually until 6.15 is released with the fix, if you don’t want to patch it before then.
noticed the same in a virtual server. apache vhost had SSLCertificate /home/domain/ssl.cert instead of /home/domain/ssl.combined … don’t know if it applies to every virtual server yet, but it should be the default for all…
I can confirm this just hit one of my servers as well. I set the renewal period to 2 months and it expired. Manually updating the certificate worked. I have patched code as suggested after manually renewing certs.
I also ran today in some problems while trying to manually renew a LetsEncrypt certificate, after the update to virtualmin 6.15 (webmin 1.973, usermin 1.823) it seems to happen like this:
Requesting a certificate for [------snip/snap------] from Let’s Encrypt …
HTTP/1.0 500 Perl execution failed Server: MiniServ/1.973 Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2021 10:40:42 GMT Content-type: text/html; Charset=utf-8 Connection: close
Error — Perl execution failed
panic: attempt to copy freed scalar 5597e13d19d8 to 5597df5400b8 at /usr/share/webmin/ line 3353.
It works for me with Webmin 1.973 and Virtualmin 6.15.
What distro do you see this problem on? Have you tried restarting Webmin manually with /etc/webmin/restart command, and re-running certificate request?
Mea culpa … that was the problem. There was no certbot installed. I did that, and now the error is gone. Since when certbot is needed ? Haven’t seen this in the documentation by now.
Is it possible to run the Let’s Encrypt cronjob or whatever Virtualmin uses for renewal manually? I still have issues after applying the fix to Virtualmin and would like to debug this.