Let's Encrypt autorenewal is not working

Operating system Ubuntu Linux 18.04.3
Webmin version 1.962
Virtualmin version 6.14

I’m having the same problem as locked topic below:

I have several servers and all have the same problem…

EDIT: I’ve just had a look at an old server that is NOT affected by the same problem and it appears that jobs are not configured the same.

On the old server:
Scheduled Cron Jobs cleanup_temp_files Every 3600 seconds
System Status scheduled_collect_system_info Every 300 seconds
Virtualmin Virtual Servers run_cron_script backup.pl --id 146687552428883 At cron time 0 1 * * 1-6
Virtualmin Virtual Servers run_cron_script collectinfo.pl At cron time 1,6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41,46,51,56 * * * *
Virtualmin Virtual Servers run_cron_script scriptlatest.pl Every day at 11:10
Virtualmin Virtual Servers run_cron_script spamclear.pl Every day at 0:40
Virtualmin Virtual Servers run_cron_script spamconfig.pl Every hour at 24 past the hour
Virtualmin Virtual Servers run_cron_script spamtrap.pl Every hour at 43 past the hour
Virtualmin Virtual Servers run_cron_script validate.pl Daily (at midnight)
Webmin Configuration renew_letsencrypt_cert At cron time 21 10 1 */2 *

On the newer ones:
Scheduled Cron Jobs cleanup_temp_files Every 3600 seconds
System Status scheduled_collect_system_info boot At startup time
System Time sync_time_cron Every day at 12:45
Virtualmin Virtual Servers run_cron_script backup.pl --id 15801336876985 Weekly (on Sunday)
Virtualmin Virtual Servers run_cron_script backup.pl --id 15801339477996 At cron time 0 1 * * 1-6
Virtualmin Virtual Servers run_cron_script collectinfo.pl At cron time 3,8,13,18,23,28,33,38,43,48,53,58 * * * *
Virtualmin Virtual Servers run_cron_script scriptlatest.pl Every day at 2:10
Virtualmin Virtual Servers run_cron_script spamconfig.pl Every hour at 51 past the hour
Webmin Configuration renew_letsencrypt_cert At cron time 34 17 24 */2 *

Is this difference the reason of the problem?

It’s strange because at Virtualmin > System Settings > Virtualmin Configuration > status collection, Interval between status collection job runs Minutes 5 is set…

EDIT 2: I’ve been to Webmin > Webmin Configuration > Background Status Collection
Collect system status in background? Every 5 minutes was set.
But when I clicked Save it seems that something has started…
Indeed, a new job now appears in Webmin Scheduled Functions. I see both:
System Status scheduled_collect_system_info Every 300 seconds
System Status scheduled_collect_system_info boot At startup time

Isn’t it a bug that it hasn’t been there since the beginning on all my new servers?

The status “issue” is most likely related to being different versions of virtualmin and possibly different operating systems.
Did you install certbot manually? Can you provide more details for the issue, what you tried and so on?
Which versions do you use?

I don’t remember having installed certbot manually.
I’ve just installed Virtualmin through the installation script.

The issue is that I can renew all my certs manually but they won’t renew automatically every 2 month as configured.
This happens on my newer servers but not on my old one.
What I have tried is what you can see in the EDIT and EDIT2 of my first post.
Maybe what I’ve done in EDIT2 has fixed the issue but I need to wait for autorenew to happen (or not).

My newer servers are all:
Operating system Ubuntu Linux 18.04.3
Webmin version 1.962
Virtualmin version 6.14

The old one is:
Operating system Ubuntu Linux 12.04.5
Webmin version 1.962
Virtualmin version 6.14.gpl

It is possible, that something was forgotten during the installation or malfunctioned due to a “hickup”.
If it still doesn’t work, try to install certbot.

All right, thanks @DrCarsonBeckett, I’ll let you know.

Unfortunately, what I’ve done so far didn’t fix the issue. I’ve had to renew the certificates manually today :frowning:
Doesn’t it have to do with “Webmin Configuration renew_letsencrypt_cert” being set to run on odd months only?

Unfortunately, you did not provide feedback about @DrCarsonBeckett suggestion to install certbot. You had said @anrikun twenty five days ago that you will let us know about certbot, but you did not.

You do realise that you will have to continue to renew SSL certificates manually till you fix this issue?

I use Virtualmin rather than Webmin to renew my SSL certificates. Virtualmin is configured by default to renew them automatically every two months, regardless of the month being odd or even.

My bad @calport, I’ve just installed certbot. We’ll see if it changes something in the future.

I use Virtualmin rather than Webmin to renew my SSL certificates. Virtualmin is configured by default to renew them automatically every two months, regardless of the month being odd or even.

I use Virtualmin too and all my virtual servers are configured to renew certs every two months too.

You might be affected by this issue I found: Let's Encrypt certificates not renewing anymore

Let me know if that helps?

Kind regards

Thank you Wesley, it’s the same issue indeed!

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