Let's Encrypt API v1 failed on upgrade SSL certificate

Hi there, recently Let’s Encrypt turned off V1 API support and our automatic&manual renewal of SSL certificates fails. There’s error message get 403 when calling Let’s Encrypt by running acme_tiny.py. Here are the steps to resolve/upgrade it.

Disclaimer: For ordinary users, please follow official recommended way to upgrade the entire Virtualmin/Webmin to latest version. The steps below are only for advance users who cannot upgrade the entire Virtualmin/Webmin system for whatever reasons. Our system is outdated (Virtualmin 6.04 on CentOS 7). You need to have wget on your system.

  1. follow steps on How to Fix the LetsEncrypt ACMEv1 Error in VirtualMin - Knowledge Base - Knowledge Base to upgrade just acme_tiny.py. It will move the current old acme_tiny.py to /root, and upgrade acme_tiny.py to latest. For CentOS it’s
mv /usr/libexec/webmin/webmin/acme_tiny.py /root/acme_tiny.py && wget -O /usr/libexec/webmin/webmin/acme_tiny.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/diafygi/acme-tiny/master/acme_tiny.py
  1. trigger SSL renewal by visiting Server Configuration → Manage SSL certificate → Let’s Encrypt to request renewal.


You’re using a very old Webmin version. We upgraded acme_tiny.py in the package a year or more ago.

Your Virtualmin version is also quite out of date. You should always run up to date software.

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