Issue since webmin V2.20.1

OS type and version Ubuntu 22.04.4
Webmin version 2.20.1

I am seeing this in the mail log every 10 seconds

Aug 11 09:33:34 server postfix/smtpd[1030692]: lost connection after CONNECT from localhost.localdomain[]

and this in miniserv.error every 10 seconds

[11/Aug/2024:09:33:34 +0100] Reloading configuration                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

the only way to stop this logging is to stop webmin for a period of time then restarting, reloading or restart makes no difference. This happens randomly but I am in process of seeing if there is a pattern to it, I had to delete miniserv.error & mail.log as they had used all available disk space, but I took the above examples before deletion.
If I find a pattern to this I’ll update the thread

Maybe adjust the log life to clear daily to stop build up.

there is debugging to, that may help.

The point is these settings are ignored

as you can see webmin should not be writing to the file in the first place (red arrow) as it is writing to the file webmin also ignores the 10mb limit

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That maybe extra logging, like a verbose log, hopefully staff may help.

Seeing your running low on hard drive, could it be virtual memory causing the issue.

the disk has normally runs at 70 GB out of 235 GB ram seems fairly static at 6.5 GB out of 16 GB and swap is fairly static at around 35 MB out of 1.9 GB, /var/webmin/minserv.error / var/log/mail.log can use all that space in around 24 hours
EDIT it may have taken a bit longer than 24 hours as I used cat to look at miniserv.error and only scrolled back about 24 hours, got board of looking !

Thats crazy, maybe turn off logging turn on debug for a short period. Normally errors just repeat themselves so it doesn’t have to run for long.

/var/webmin/miniserv.log is tiny in fact it’s 37 MB since 22nd October 2022 so I doubt turning logging off will help. Debug logging is currently off and still the file gets written to, my guess if these entries are not declared in the debug logging set up they are written to the file as a matter of course

I don’t think miniserv.error is not a debug log, its part of logging. Debug is webmin.debug.
I just turnied off logging and did a restart and I still see the error log. Not sure how you can turn it off.

no trace of miniserv.error in the setup

the only reference I can find is in the debugging setup, maybe it logs stuff there by default and can not be adjusted by the GUI

does systemctl status webmin show any errors?

If this is a bug, can you report it :smile:


I’m not sure it’s a bug, it merely maybe just be logging by the devs to isolate errors that have not been trapped in some form of error handler so it may give them some clues to un trapped errors and where they are occurring that said some of them are a little tearse

absolutely no errors shown there, just the regular responses

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