Alright, so apparently virtualmin check-config
does indeed take care of everything that manually running the config check does, which is strange, I could swear I tested this previously and it didn’t. I’m either mistaken or it was an issue with my server.
However, although the config check seems to do everything it should, the manually-run post-install wizard does one thing that you can’t seem to do via the CLI, which is creating the /etc/webmin/bind8/zone-names file.
I installed Virtualmin, backed up /etc/webmin, ran the post-install wizard, backed up /etc/webmin, ran the post-wizard config check, and backed up /etc/webmin one last time. I then compared them (from base install to after wizard, and then after wizard to after config check), and my finding are below.
In case anyone else is trying to automate this using Ansible, I’ve saved a rough draft of the playbook as a gist.
My Post-Installation Wizard Settings
Preload Virtualmin libraries? No
Run MariaDB/MySQL database server? Yes
Run PostgreSQL database server? No
Set MySQL password: “nicetryalmostgotme”
MariaDB/MySQL configuration size: Huge system (2G or more)
DNS zone creation: My FQDN was already populated, I just checked “Skip check for resolvability”
Password storage mode: Only store hashed passwords
“Base Installation” to “After Post-Install Wizard”
The wizard seems to…
- Folder: /etc/webmin/authentic-theme
- File: /etc/webmin/bind8/zone-names
Add the following lines to /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf:
- error_handler_403=403.cgi
- error_handler_401=401.cgi
- error_handler_404=404.cgi
- nolog=/stats.cgi?xhr-stats=general
Add the following lines to /etc/webmin/mysql/config:
- pass=[mysql password]
Add the following lines to /etc/webmin/virtual-server/config:
- allow_symlinks=0
- mysql_user_size=80
- mysql_size=huge
- avail_virtualmin-dav=0
Update the following lines in /etc/webmin/virtual-server/config:
- hashpass=0 changed to hashpass=1
- bind_master= changed to bind_master=[server’s FQDN]
- last_check= updated to reflect current time
“After Post-Install Wizard” to “After Config Check”
The post-wizard check seems to…
- File: /etc/webmin/mysql/version
- File: /etc/webmin/virtual-server/last-config (this is just a backup of the /etc/webmin/virtual-server/config file)
Add the following lines to /etc/webmin/virtual-server/config
- wizard_run=1
- last_check_php_vers=7.3
- mail_quotas=/
- home_quotas=/
- group_quotas=1
Update the following lines in /etc/webmin/virtual-server/config:
- iface= changed to iface=eth0
- last_check= update to reflect current time