Installing a new version of virtualmin causes a network card configuration error

Virtualmin could not work out the default IPv4 address for virtual servers on your system. You will need to update either the Network interface for virtual addresses or Default virtual server IP address fields on the module configuration page.

… your system is not ready for use by Virtualmin.

Network Interfaces

Active Now

Interfaces listed in this table are currently active on the system. In most cases, you should edit them under the Activated at Boot tab.

Select all. | Invert selection. | Add a new interface.
Name Type IPv4 address Netmask IPv6 address Status

eth0	Ethernet 1000Mb/s	No address configured	None	fe80::225:10ff:fed2:756a	Up

eth1	Ethernet 1000Mb/s	No address configured	None	fe80::225:10ff:fed2:756b	Up

lo	Loopback	::1	Up

Select all. | Invert selection. | Add a new interface.

Network Interfaces

     Activated at Boot

Interfaces listed in this table will be activated when the system boots up, and will generally be active now too.

Select all. | Invert selection. | Add a new interface. | Add a new bonding Interface. | Add a new bridge. | Add a new address range.
Name Type IPv4 address Netmask IPv6 address Active

eth0	Ethernet	Yes

eth1	Ethernet	From DHCP	From DHCP	From IPv6 discovery	Yes

lo	Loopback	Yes

In Virtualmin, click System Settings, Virtualmin Configuration, Networking Settings.

Check Network interface for virtual addresses, if set to Detect automatically, try changing it to eth0.
Also for default virtual server IPv4 address, if set from networking interface, change it to custom field and enter your IP.

My server NIC error is the same as this problem