Install Scripts are all broken

Install scripts are all broken except Roundcube. Phpmyadmin is broken, mission some script, after install the script it is still asking for the script, Django 1.4… hanging, Wordpress never complete, I am wonder if I buy pro version of all scripts are working. and there are tons of bugs like the .htaccess file which cost me 3 days and it is still not working. Virtualmin looks good, but is is full of bugs, a lot of it are missing.


I’ve removed some previous posts that don’t meet our code of conduct guidelines.

You do seem to be seeing some very unusual issues there. Those install scripts work for the vast majority of people… WordPress, RoundCube, and phpMyAdmin are three of the most popular scripts we offer.

Virtualmin Pro wouldn’t fix the sorts of issues – those script installers are the same between Virtualmin Pro and GPL.

Which distro/version is it that you’re using there?

And is it a fresh OS install you’re working with, with no third party repositories enabled?


I use Ubuntu 18.04, a fresh install of Virtualmin. Roundcube works fine, but Phpmyadmin has some package missing. I had to install the package which was required to phpmyadmin and use install script again. Same issue again

What is the error you are seeing?

And what package did you install?
