Install and configure Virtualmin on Rocky Linux 8

Good morning everyone,
on the net I found this article that explains how to install Virtualmin on Rocky Linux 8.

Below is the link to the article:

I was able to install Virtualmin without problems on both Rocky Linux 8 and Alma Linux 8.
The only doubt I have is related to the origin of the installation script.

Script Link:

Can I trust or should I wait and download the installation script from the official Virtualmin Web Site?


This is the official repo for Virtualmin installation script. Although, this is a development version of it.

So can I use it or should I wait for the release of a stable version?

The short answer is no.

However, it would depend on what you do and how fluent you are with Linux systems. It worked just fine with all RHEL derivatives I tested with, but again, this is not a final/stable release of install script yet.

The current Virtualmin installation that I made using this unstable script is currently working fine.
When the final and stable Virtualmin installation script is released, will I have to redo the installation from scratch or will the Server update automatically?

No (true for RHEL derivatives), as it must be using Virtualmin 7 repos already.

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