If webalizer is active the template variable is...


So what is AWstats then?

IF-AWSTATS does not seem to be it. So where are these defined at?

AWStats is a module, while Webalizer is a built-in function. I don’t actually know the answer, off-hand, but it will probably be referenced differently, if a variable is exported at all. I’m not seeing immediately any definition of any variables for AWStats, but I’ll ask Jamie to chime in on this thread with a definitive answer.

How can you get awstats to work with a address like that. I mean just the directory and nothing else (like awstats.pl). I have never found a way to do that.

Also I don’t understand why virtualmin makes local copies of awstats.pl in cgi-bin directory? Could the awstats directive just point to system wide awstats.pl directory? Somehow the awstats plugin seems little unfinished to my eye.

Also I just notied that when trying to use awstats I get following error. Does anyone know a solution for this?

Error: Not same number of records of BrowsersSearchIDOrder (162 entries) and BrowsersHashIDLib (163 entries without msie,netscape,firefox) in Browsers database. May be you updated AWStats without updating browsers.pm file or you made changed into browsers.pm not correctly. Check your file /usr/share/awstats/lib/browsers.pm is up to date.

That url is just fine. Apparently you haven’t learnt much about using VM variables. Read the docs please.

And google is your friend, I found 29 English pages all talking about the error.

If you can’t get it to work after reading try a .htaccess file with the DirectoryIndex directive.

Yes, $VIRTUALMIN-AWSTATS is the variable you want to use to detect if AWstats is enabled.

Regarding the copying of awstats.pl to the domain’s cgi-bin directory, this is needed so that it can be run as the domain owner using suexec. If you check, you’ll see that each domain’s awstats.pl is owned by its Unix user.

I got it…

AWstats log reporting: Enabled
Website stats: http://${DOM}/stats/
Stats user: ${USER}
Stats password: ${PASS}
AWstats log reporting: Disabled

I’ll add this to the wiki.<br><br>Post edited by: sgrayban, at: 2007/09/20 23:43

I got it…

AWstats log reporting: Enabled
Website stats: http://${DOM}/stats/
Stats user: ${USER}
Stats password: ${PASS}
AWstats log reporting: Disabled

I’ll add this to the wiki.<br><br>Post edited by: sgrayban, at: 2007/09/20 23:43

I got it…

AWstats log reporting: Enabled
Website stats: http://${DOM}/stats/
Stats user: ${USER}
Stats password: ${PASS}
AWstats log reporting: Disabled

I’ll add this to the wiki.<br><br>Post edited by: sgrayban, at: 2007/09/20 23:43