How to edit hostname zone

OS type and version AlmaLinux 9.4
Virtualmin version 7.20.2

Hello all,
after changing the hostname from to I want to edit the new zone for orion, but after going to Webmin - Servers - BIND DNS Server - Existing DNS Zones. I see the warning message saying:

Warning! This zone is managed by Virtualmin. Records should be edited using the Virtualmin UI, to ensure they are consistent with other virtual server settings.

But I can’t find such DNS zone in the Virtualmin, neither such server for the default hostname.


It’s only a warning, you can ignore it, if you are good at bind configuration, and just edit the zone using the webmin bind module with no ill effects. These warnings appear all over the place in webmin, the one that hits me the most is the webmin iptables module throws a warning if firewalld is running shame they can’t be switched off

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Not to negate @jimr1’s response…

If the domain itself is managed by Virtualmin as the warning indicates, it’s best to manage the records from the Virtualmin side of the panel…

Virtualmin > DNS Settings > DNS Records

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The domain is not present in the Virtualmin, it’s the system hostname.

Have you tried requesting the certificate for the webmin settings?

After changing the hostname, if the “Setup SSL certificate from provider for hostname” option is enabled in the “System Settings ⇾ Virtualmin Configuration: SSL settings” page, all you need to do is re-run the config check using “System Settings ⇾ Re-Check Configuration”.


I just requested new certificate, and still in the CN there is the old system hostname.
When looking at the /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log

2024-10-24 17:56:06,699:INFO:certbot._internal.plugins.selection:Plugins selected: Authenticator webroot, Installer None
2024-10-24 17:56:06,770:DEBUG:certbot._internal.main:Picked account: <Account(RegistrationResource(body=Registration(key=None, contact=(), agreement=None, status=None, terms_of_service_agreed=None, only_return_existing=None, external_account_binding=None), uri=‘’, new_authzr_uri=None, terms_of_service=None), 95bcf28bb97e043c5b45361f783d58e6, Meta(creation_dt=datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 21, 6, 35, 37, tzinfo=), creation_host=‘’, register_to_eff=None))>
2024-10-24 17:56:06,771:DEBUG:acme.client:Sending GET request to
2024-10-24 17:56:06,774:DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
2024-10-24 17:56:07,200:DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool: “GET /directory HTTP/1.1” 200 746
2024-10-24 17:56:07,201:DEBUG:acme.client:Received response:

I see the old hostname is still reported in the request?

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