How to create a Let's encrypt cert under the domain whose doc root has changed

OS type and version Ubuntu Linux 20.04.4
Virtualmin version 1.994

I did the following:
(domain name is an example)

Virtualmin ->Server Configuration → SSL Certificate → Let’s Encrypt
Request certificate for → Domain names listed here (,
Request Certificate

Requesting a certificate for, from Let’s Encrypt …
… request failed : Web-based validation failed :

This program always tries to make a temp file in /home/example/public_html directory, but I changed the document root to /home/example/www. The site is running so I can’t change the doc root to default.

Is there a way to create a cert using Virtualmin panel under the conditon above?

One way which I can think of is for you to temporarily change the doc root back to default, get your SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt and change it back again to /home/example/www.

There is an unavoidable 5 min of downtime but it is a quick and dirty solution and it gives you a three month window - till the next renewal of the SSL certificate - to figure out a proper solution by editing your .htaccess appropriately for example.

Thank you for your reply.

One way which I can think of is for you to temporarily change the doc root back to default, get your SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt and change it back again to /home/example/www.

I also considered that way, but I’ll have to do the same thing for each renewal period, so this time I’ll use another certificate.
I hope Virtualmin supports irregular document root when creating Let’s encrypt cert in the near future.

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