great team ,there is tool alternative ( fixperms )

regarding the user ( fixperms )

fixperms home

Safely corrects permissions issues on a Webmin user, PHP, etc? it`s available


Hmm, I’m a bit confused there, what problem are you trying to fix?

Note that Virtuamin comes with a tool to fix homedir permissions, that can be used by going into Virtualmin -> Limits and Validation -> Validate Virtual Servers -> Fix Directory Permissions.


Yeah love that feature, very handy when you have setup software like Wordpress for domain owners.

I would like to add my two cents to this post - I love that virtualmin feature too!

I’m about to blow y’alls mind:

# virtualmin fix-domain-permissions No domains to fix specified

Set correct permissions on a domain’s home directory.

virtualmin fix-domain-permissions --domain name | --all-domains

All the validations are available from the virtualmin command.

that’s great I will try to fix now

its work :slight_smile: In case of ending my current problems with add php7 to the panel, next to the wonderful tool for fixing permissions (( The most powerful platform to host around the world without competition ))