My first post.
I use webmin with virtualmin to manage my small hosting server with 4 domains.
Everything works fine and webmin/virtualmin has saved me enormous time and effort. Thank you.
Is it possible to add an option to choose the period and start/stop dates for autoreplies entered from the quick automatic replies link? Are there some hidden default values for these when the filter is created from this form?
When used as a vacation reply, a period of 8 hours or so and an option to have a stop date would be greatly helpful. I know this can be handled by the full filter edit page but inexperienced users may fail to chain filters to make sure a copy of the email is left in their mailbox. The quick autoreply link is very useful in this regard.
Guess I can add input items for these as in the filter edit form by tweaking the module sources. I don’t mind doing that but some pointers on where to start would be helpful. I see the relevant files are probably edit_auto.cgi and and save_auto.cgi in /usr/share/webmin/filter but not sure whether these have to be copied elsewhere for the edits to be active.