Is it possible to enable PHP error logging by default for all available PHP versions on a server?
I have looked in Server Templates under PHP Options for a way to enable it by default but no such option exist.
Alternatively is there a way to enable it for all sites on a server by a script so each site gets the log in eg. /home/user/domains/
You may need to make the changes in the template php.ini file that you’re using.
That is, whatever options exist in the php.ini file being used as the template for new domains would get copied out to any new domain that’s added.
To make changes for existing sites – if you want to change a number of php.ini files, you can do that, using the “virtualmin modify-php-ini” command.
That particular command can be used on the command line to make changes to some or all existing options in php.ini files in your domains.
You may need to make the changes in the template php.ini file that you’re using.
That is, whatever options exist in the php.ini file being used as the template for new domains would get copied out to any new domain that’s added.
To make changes for existing sites – if you want to change a number of php.ini files, you can do that, using the “virtualmin modify-php-ini” command.
That particular command can be used on the command line to make changes to some or all existing options in php.ini files in your domains.
Well no comment might be because your general knowledge as sysadmin most here would expect you to know some basic commands or look it up on the big internet.
here you go:
yum install which mlocate
php -v
which php
locate php.ini