Hi, i’d like to send an automated email upon server creation that will also include the wordpress credentials and URL if Wordpress has been installed automatically with server creation. Is this possible? I assume it must be added on server template → Mail for domain.
at the time of creating the virtual server, if you enter your email address as owner of the virtual server then Virtualmin sends you an email with credentials to the virtual server
at the time of one click install of WordPress script, Virtualmin sends an email with credentials of Wordpress
You are right, @stefan1959 and @chrisk . Upon Wordpress automatic installation, the credentials are not shared via the email notification that is sent via Virtualmin. I stand corrected.
The notification is in this format:
Your new WordPress site has been successfully set up at:
You can log in to the administrator account with the following information:
Username: vps16
Password: The password you chose during installation.
Log in here: https://vps16.indiax.com/home/vps16/public_html/wordpress/wp-login.php
We hope you enjoy your new site. Thanks!
--The WordPress Team
Thats something the sysadmin is responsible for. This is not a cyber security thread. We only want to know how we can implement wordpress credentials in that template, if possible.