edit database link is missing

I am a developer designing the site for a client who uses virtualmin as a host. It says there should be an edit database link on the left control panel so I can create a new database. There is not link there at all. I am logged in as the admin. Please assist

Maybe the MySQL feature is turned off for that virtual server? You can verify that in the Edit Server screen.

I dont even see a edit server link in the panel. Just a server details link


As Locutus has stated, it could be that MySQL feature is turned off. You’d need to consult the Master Admin for the server and have them turn it on.

Best Regards, Peter Knowles TPN Solutions

Email: pknowles@tpnsolutions.com
Phone: 604-229-0715 (new)
Skype: tpnsupport
Website: http://www.tpnsolutions.com