Drop FTP(S) and use SFTP by default in Virtualmin

Remember to also block any PHP functions that could allow users to “look” around the file-system as well.

Sorry for asking in such old threat, but things on my server are not working as they should do.
First, i changed FTPS port to 2121. So, connecting with filezilla is ok, but when overwritting/uploading any files, it says permission denied.
But when connecting to my ssh port with filezilla using FTPS as well, there is no permissions problems; i can delete/create/overwrite any file.
What could be wrong?

i would like to also weigh in on this topic…this is such a completely shitty topic its driving me completely nuts!

Which should we be using…ftps or SSH?

Also, i still have not found a single tutorial anywhere for this that is written for virtualmin…and quite frankly I am about ready to move to another control panel that has decent support on these kinds of issues. To be honest, i think that ISPConfig is a far more trustworthy platform because its developers have some decent documentation and are very accessible for their experties on topics such as this. For some of us to defect to ISPConfig would be a tragedy as the server administrator workload increases in using that platform compared to virtulamin (i am a believer in the automation that virtualmin offers in so many areas)

I’ve always been amused by this thread.

If you know network configuration then use both (FTPS and SSH). They’re great!! : )

As for “FTPS for Virtualmin”… see my article at http://www.virtualmin.com/node/29262

I agree, using sftp (which is basically ssh) is the best option which works all the times. ftp should be used only for public file sharing or something like, its hardly thinking that anyone use unsecured ftp in 2020.

Please don’t make zombies. This thread is 5 years old, and Virtualmin supports SFTP, FTPS, and FTP out of the box, no configuration needed.