Does Virtualmin have built-in way for installing Redis?

Hi, I want to install Redis, but not familiar with command lines.
I am in Ubuntu 22.
I want to install Redis server and Redis php extension, does Virtualmin have builtin way for installing them?

OS type and version REQUIRED
Virtualmin version REQUIRED

If you search the forums its been answered.

Thanks, that thread talks about using commands to install Redis.
I want to know if I can use builtin functionality of Virtualmin to install Redis.

Hmmm, Joe said.

There is no Webmin or Virtualmin module for Redis that I know of (certainly none from us, though maybe someone else has implemented one, but I don’t know of one); it hasn’t come up much.

The linked thread answers your question, and several related ones you’re likely to have, you should definitely read through it.

You can install any package available via your system software package manager in the Software Packages module in Webmin. That does the exact same thing as using the command line to install the package with apt or dnf. You should learn about our system package manager, it’s among the most valuable and important tools on your system.

Virtualmin and Webmin are not package managers, they do not install or manage installed software (even our own!), your OS has that covered (at least, assuming you’re using any reasonable Linux distro), but we do provide a GUI for apt or dnf so you can install and update packages in the GUI.

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Thanks a lot for this…

Thanks, you mentioned software package manager of Webmin.
Does Virtualmin have this?

Virtualmin has all of Webmin. It’s in the tab helpfully labeled “Webmin”.

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It does not if you are a non privileged user, it shows dashboard instead

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