DNS Secondary not sincronizing

OS type and version Ubuntu Linux 22.04.4
Webmin version 2.202
Virtualmin version 7.20.2 Pro
Webserver version Apache version 2.4.52
Related packages BIND version 9.18.28

I have configured Virtulamin to accept sync as a DNS secondary from a Plesk 18.0.64 system

I seems to be ok as I receive the following message when I test a domain:

Testing transfer of slave zone from xx.xx.75.27 …
… from xx.xx.75.27 : Completed OK
Test transfer successfully fetched 80 records from at least one nameserver. Actual transfers by BIND should also succeed.

But when I sync the two servers virtualmin dns information keeps empty.

Can anybody help me?

Thanks in advance.


Note that this is a test transfer that you are triggering manually.

I think you need to wait for a few hours for the sync to occur automatically, then you will see the records in the secodary / Virtualmin server.

Thank you for the reply.

Unfortunately is already a few days without synchronizing. Even when I force the sync manually doesn’t sync.

Any errors in the logs ? That is the first place to look

I found this error on logs:

/IN: refresh: failure trying primary xx.xx.75.27#53 (source tsig indicates error

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