DNS changes reverted IP!

Good day,

I’ve moved one server from one location to another. So the server external IP changed also(static IP from provider).
I’ve changed the external IP of server through the change IP feature in Virtualmin. All the domains DNS records were updated just fine.
After 10 days of running just fine, I’ve noticed that the websites were not responding properly so I’ve made some digging. Seems that every domain were using the DNS records with the previous external IP!
Any idea on what to investigate further so this can’t happen again in the future?

OS type and version Debian 10
Webmin version 2.105
Virtualmin version 7.9.0
Related packages SUGGESTED

Never presume things go fine, use https://mxtoolbox.com/ at least to see the server has updated.

But everything was fine for 10 days after the change was made.
Except that for no reason the changes were reverted somehow on server to the previous IP. The server was not reset or shut down in this period.

I’ve checked this post: [SOLVED]I altered my hostname, but every new vhost created, comes with the old hostname!

And found that in the last-config and config files there was the old IP as external cache IP. Changed with the new one. Hope if things repeat at least it will update with the new IP.

Hmmm, maybe see if you can find a file change, things shouldn’t change by themselves.

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