DKIM not working, sending with signature, or discarding

so this does nothing ?

Of cause it does, check the explanation in the screenshot, its the policy for failed SPF or DKIM for the receiving mail server. Depending on the policy the recieving email server will do 1 of 3 things, Nothing, Quarantine or Reject.

It would appear that the OP is expecting the incoming email to be rejected through invalid DKIM records before it even gets to spamassassin which given the text of the help on this subject you would expect that to happen rather than falling through to spamassassin to process it
it perhaps should be made clear this doesn’t appear to be the case, or infact with that set to reject you should not see a DKIM_INVALID in the spam assassin header.
all I’m saying is it could be better worded perhaps

maybe this setting. This is not the posted issue.

not if the sending party has its DMARC record neutral (=take no action).
if we’re talking incoming, you’re the receiving party. you can only set DMARC policy for your own sending domains…

@stefan1959 posts another option in virtualmin, that could work, not sure about it.

guys, i have it set correctly, its not rejecting the email:

Anyone ? i’m getting attacked, and Virtualmin is not blocking SPAM. Help !

DKIM does not not block spam, and again DMARC is the policy needs to be in place.
Spamassinin is your main defense against spam. If it a spam issue, please create a new post.

I have DMARC set to strict in the DNS. (v=DMARC1; p=reject; adkim=s; aspf=s;)
MXToolbox says it is correct (also says DKIM is correct)

I never see SPAM in my spamassain from any email, ever! even though i set this to modify headers

I followed the install here, but get the error in config check:

“SpamAssassin is configured to be run from the global Procmail configuration /etc/procmailrc, which is not needed as Virtualmin will set it up on a per-domain basis”

why do i see the error?
why do i not see any *** SPAM*** header modification ?

Spam with scores of over 5 are Moved to spam folder, it doesn’t go to inbox.
check in there for spam

Do not use external help for configuring if you use virtualmin you can break things.

Each domain has its on config as long as enable on that domain

Yep, no spam emails in home/maildir/.spam (that is the problem)

That is why I added the procmail delivery yesterday as below, to direct email from procmail to spamassassin

So we do not need a procmail rule like below to tell spamassassin where to place spam ?

Are any of the procmail rules below wrong ?

This thread is very confusing are we talking DKIM or procmail or spamassassin scores ? I have no idea

We need to stop SPAM, in and out. Period.

Asking setup for vitrualmin as does not seem to work

There have been some wrong posts in this thread about DNS and DKIM, although muddled through and fixed myself.

For now, still confused as to what is required to get spamassassin working

I said it before you need to create a new topic, the DKIM is resolved.

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