DKIM not signing on Almalinux 9

Yep, I’ll try again later, have other jobs to do. Maybe its the Vultr OS

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I cannot thank you enough and I appreciate your incredible help!

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Just to put a note for other visitors, the solution to the error Failed to work out externally visible IP address is:

  • go to Virtualmin → System Settings → Virtualmin Configuration
  • on the drop-down, select Network settings
  • on the next page, change the radio-box on Network interface for virtual addresses from “Detect automatically” to the one at the right, and write on it the name of your interface

To know the name of your main interface, just run ifconfig for Debian based distros (like Ubuntu) or ip address for RedHat based distros (like CentOS, Rocky, Almalinux), and look for the interface with your public IP on it. :slightly_smiling_face:


Ok, destroyed now. My rock9 install was seemless.
Installed error has been posted before.
Maybe use Rocky 9, seems Almalinux 9 has bugs

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To create a better bug report, I will install Virtualmin on two fresh machines, one with Almalinux 9 and one with Rocky 9, and go on both till the end, following the exact same steps (one virtual server and opendkim enabled).

Since Rocky and Alma are theoretically the same, Virtualmin should behave the same, but who knows.

Well getting the same error with Rocky 9

But the install worked ok.

I turned on DKIM on this test machine and fixed the spf and dmarc and works fine sending to my gmail account.

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Wow! Thanks a lot, Stefen. As soon as I finish my current task on the job, I will immediately create another machine with Almalinux 9 from scratch and check everything again.

I will simulate a “normal” scenario, with DNS enabled on the same virtual server, and a scenario similar to my current setup, where the DNS server is external and, thus, not enabled on the virtual server with email functionality.

You did turn disable dns and copy dns settings to external like the DKIM,SPF and DMARC,

Yes, I copy all the DNS records related to email: MX, SPF, DKIM and DMARC, and all of them are globally visible on tools like

I plan to do the test on a fresh Almalinux 9 later today, after work

This is a harmless warning. Although we will soon release updated version if Virtualmin Config to address this and small other issues.

This is also fixed on the latest for script. Joe just didn’t update it yet.

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This was a bug and will be fixed in the next Virtualmin release.


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