Dependent sender ip not working

Hi to all, at the moment I followed every hint to get dependent sender ip working for my webserver.
It runs using my email-client, but not if a php-based forum sends a mail.

And at the moment its also an open thing to do, that using smtp the ip is correct but in the header there is also the real hostname. I want to get rid of everything that points to my server. Evereything that could be visible should point to the virtual-server not the real maschine.

And theres another open thing to do:
Using pop and smtp with sasl is fine, but postfix dont use the certificate of the virtualserver, its still using the not ca-certified certificate from my maschine.

Any help wellcome…




You can substitute the headers, using headers_check, for example:

/^X-Originating-IP:/    IGNORE
/^User-Agent:/    IGNORE
/^X-PHP-Originating-Script:/    IGNORE
/^X-Mailer:/    IGNORE

Beware, that not all headers can be altered without consequences, i.e. when target server consider it as spam.

Using pop and smtp with sasl is fine, but postfix dont use the certificate of the virtualserver, its still using the not ca-certified certificate from my maschine.

For that to work, you either need latest version of Postfix (3.4+) with SNI support or use dedicated IP for each virtual-server, than you could simply go with:  inet  n  - n - -  smtpd
    -o smtp_bind_address=
    -o smtpd_tls_key_file=/etc/pki/domains/
	-o smtpd_tls_cert_file=/etc/pki/domains/
	-o smtpd_tls_CAfile=/etc/pki/domains/

I followed every hint to get dependent sender ip working for my webserver. It runs using my email-client, but not if a php-based forum sends a mail.

I think, you need to make your forum script connect to specific domain on your server with SMTP authentication (providing login and password).

I did so, cause I haven’t a dedicated IP for each virtualserver.
So there is now a special mailuser for php called noreply@…

Next to do is proftpd…
But thats another Thread