Default no for create initial web page

So you would prefer the rest of us to HAVE to click “YES” every time?
(or change some default template - that at the moment does not require wasting time with

If I create a custom template as I mentioned earlier, I would like to have the option to choose yes or no for initial web. I think that is a reasonable request, no?

I certainly don’t want to mess with the built-in templates

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Server templates are one of the most powerful features of Virtualmin and this will be a nice addition.

That’s not what they’re saying.


Just my two cents on the topic.

While I have no problem with the nifty “initial” page that is generated when a new domain is created, we have recently started replacing this with our own branded page by.

Adding the directory “public_html” to the “/etc/skel” directory along with a custom “index.html” (and supported files such as “css”, “js” and “images”) which effectively causes those files to be used when a new domain is created instead of the ones generated by Virtualmin.

We have setup a few diff “skel” directories with the above just an example of the system generated “default” location, which we use for different “Server Templates”.

The “skel” directory can be configured on a per “template” basis too.

*** Regarding “No for create initial web page”, my solution could offer one by simply adding an “index.html” file with no content in theory ***


I’m working on adding it to the template. I will update this ticket with progress…

It was implemented in this PR:

The full description of the change is available in the PR. Anyone with ideas or suggestions is welcome to join the discussion.