Custom fields in email

I have several custom fields defined in a template.
I expected these to be available within the server’s ‘Mail for domain’ that is generated when the server is created.

For instance I have a field named ‘COMPANY’. It is available within a post-install script as ${VIRTUALSERVER_FIELD_COMPANY}.

However, when I include this variable within the email template, it is not expanded.

How do I get this information available in the ‘Mail for domain’ within the template?

Post edited by: tbirnseth, at: 2008/12/29 15:43<br><br>Post edited by: tbirnseth, at: 2008/12/29 18:35

Submitted another bug…
Was hoping it was me.

the field name is then ${VIRTUALSERVER_FIELD_COMPANY} and the label is then COMPANY

however when i add it I can see all the custom fields appearing but in the email after creation is


this looks like a bug to me worth of issueing a ticket

the field name is then ${VIRTUALSERVER_FIELD_COMPANY} and the label is then COMPANY

however when i add it I can see all the custom fields appearing but in the email after creation is


this looks like a bug to me worth of issueing a ticket

Apparently the answer is ${FIELD_COMPANY}…
So yet another variation.

A table with columns of:
Type (custom, VM, Webmin, etc.)
Name (the name of the variable)
Environment name (the name in post-install and other environment variables)
Email name (name used in email templates)
Template name (name used within template fields)
Notes (any strangeness to be considered)

would be most helpful!