CSF Stuck on dashboard after uninstall + no firewall?

Operating system: Debian 10
I came across CSF:

And through it sounded like a good idea so I installed it and its VirtualMin module, but I soon found out it has massive impact to the speed websites would load, so I run the uninstall script on it! sadly the uninstall has left the CSF Dashboard message, and it has also said that my firewall is disabled?
How can I fully remove CSF from the VirtualMin dashboard and make sure its not blocked my firewall.
I did actually install UFW before I installed VirtualMin so not sure if VirtualMin works with that.

Screenshot 2020-11-20 at 14.58.54


At the moment, you would also need to go to Webmin > Webmin Configuration > Webmin Modules and remove csf module (ConfigServer Security & Firewall).

… make sure its not blocked my firewall.

By looking at csf/install.sh script it’s apparent what has to be done:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl unmask firewalld
systemctl enable firewalld
systemctl start firewalld
systemctl status firewalld.service 

And through it sounded like a good idea so I installed it and its VirtualMin module, but I soon found out it has massive impact to the speed websites would load

I really doubt that. ConfigServer Security & Firewall is very stable and speedy product.

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Thanks for the reply.

Sadly the CSF Module is not present in the delete list of Modules, I wonder if the uninstall script removed it but somehow kept the Dashboard front page change?

I run your systemctl commands and the firewalld service is running.

Does csf directory present in /usr/share/webmin? If so, delete it.

Brilliant, this did it! I guess their uninstall script forgot about this.

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