Cloudmin, Ubuntu 14.04 XEN XL not working

Hey guys,
I have cloudmin pro installed on Ubuntu 14.04 for some some reason after installing a host it can’t connect to Xen and is in accessible. Does anyone know whats going wrong? the error message is this

Could not fetch Xen instances : ERROR: A different toolstack (xl) have been selected!

Thanks for any help!

I had the same problem, didn’t really get a solution… I just tried kvm and it also doesn’t work, that’s just great,

Hey, my solution was to download the XEN packages from the Ubuntu Precise Repos… everything is working fine now… when I install Cloudmin for KVM I used the KVM script from the webmin GPL site and everything worked fine. just make sure to start with a fresh system install with only SSH. Any other questions just ask. hope this helps